How I Find Stored XSS (using .svg file Extension )
Hello Everyone,
I’m very Happy For good response my all article U can read
This is my 4rth article. in this article I will talk about how to find store xss vulnerability using .svg file extension. Let’s introduce myself I’m Ch4ndan das & I’m web penetration tester, From India | My English is not well so please don’t mind it.
Lets start !
I pick hackerone target let’s call then start hunting only file upload functionality. If you also want to find this bug then U need to find all upload Fn you can use this google dork for find upload Fn
1. site:* intitle:”upload file” OR intitle:”file upload” OR intitle:”choose file”
2. site:* ”choose file”
I think manual this the best way for find upload functionality. and don’t forget to check contact us , upload profile , you can also check in chat bot Fn.
Then u find all upload Fn. simply search svg xss payloads and save .svg extension. u can use this code for check vulnerable via .svg
<svg version=”1.1" baseProfile=”full” xmlns=”">
<polygon id=”triangle” points=”0,0 0,50 50,0" fill=”#009900" stroke=”#004400"/>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
alert(“XSS by ch4ndan”);
save this payload like this xss.svg then upload and see success fully uploaded 90% chance xss (If don’t know .svg extension u can search on google & chat gpt )
In my case I find upload function in chat bot, then send svg file success fully execute, then I quickly make poc and report on hackerone u can view in image
But again Duplicate 😌
Then I choose another target & find upload Fn in contact us form simply upload svg file and success fully uploaded then I make poc & report it u can see in image
Thank you everyone for Reading 🧡
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Happy Hunting :)))